Khaleda Zia’s victory in the elections of 1990 and Sena Parishad’s contributions
According to the road map now, we have to set out for arranging fund for Khaleda Zia and to try to forge electoral alliance between BNP and Jamaat. It was decided to go to Madina first to pay our Salam and Durudand at the Rawza Mubarak of Huzur Pak Sallah Hu Walihe Assallam at the same time to pray. The we shall be performing The Omrah and then I shall visit a few friendy countries in the Gulf proceed to PRC and Rabbani wll be returning to Nairobi to know what my old friends are thinking about the prevailibg crucial situation and the future of Bangladesh. According to the plan we reached Madina Sharif(Holy City). We finished our Jiarat there and performed the Umrah at Baytullah Makka. Thereafter, we proceeded to Riyad. There we had a few good old friends who were at the high ups and infuential in the House of Saud. Among them was a General and Ex Intelligence Chief. We met them and held open discussion about the on going political crisis in Bangladesh. During the course of the discussions we realized, at that point of time their priority consideration was the heightening difference of openion between Iraq and Kuwet regarding Ramla oil fields. They were apprehensive about this ominous precipitating crisis. Even after that they assured us that they would do whatever possible for Khaleda Zia, Bangladesh being a brotherly country. This was enough.
From there we visited UAE, Libya and then I reached Beijing via Guangzhuo.
By then PRC was moving ahead at astounding speed to establish itself as one of the rising world power. At the same time PRC’s growth in financial sector was also expanding at phenomenal rate. Changes in the ideology and socio economic sectors were also surprising. As a result, PRC’s world outlook was also getting changed drastically. As I was in Hongkong therefore, it was possible for me to observe all the changes from the very beginning. The mordernization drive was meteorically moving ahead competing and surpassing most of the Western Powers in the glow of new light. PRC, the emerging Super Power was moving ahead keeping close watch on every development that had been taking place around the Globe. It is but natural that to establish itself as a Supere Power PRC was keeping an eye on every event that was taking place at every nook and corner of the world. The relation between Bangladesh and China dates back in the history. After Buddhism flourished in the sub continent, Sree Atisha Dipangkar, a Buddist Monk went to China from Bangladesh to preach Buddhism and founded the Potala Palace in Tibet. When I was posted as a diplomat in Beijing at that time the ashes of the remains of that great Monk which was preserved in Potola Palace for hundreds of years were given back to Bangladesh by the Chinese Leadership. 29 deciples of Hazrat Shah Jalal (R) were sent from Bangladesh to China to preach Islam. In contemporary history, after the political change brought through successful revolutionary armed uprising of 15th August 1975, PRC along with Saudi Arabia and most of the oil rich Muslim countries of the Gulf had recognized Bangladesh as an independent country. Both geo-politically and economically the Cino-Bangladesh relation is very important. Bilateral relation between Bagladesh and PRC is one of the permanent focal point of the Chinese Foreign policy. Therefore, PRC is very much conscious to develop three tire bilateral friendly relation at state to state, people to people and party to party level on the basis of equality.
I had always discussed about matters of mutual interests with my Chinese friends very frankly. The Chinese friends had also never took me only as a diplomat but a trusted and dependable friend. They never hesitated to discuss anything openly, even about their internal matters.
During our discussions I could feel that their analysis about the crisis in Bangladesh was almost similar to ours. They also desired that after the next elections Awami League doesn’t come to power with the help of Gen. Ershad. They were equally apprehensive that if this combine comes to power then the self identity of Bangladesh as an independent country would be threatened. The country woild be turned into a client state forcing it to be dependant on India in every respect. Once that is done then it would be a far cry to get out from that strangulation. That is why, PRC being a friendly country would try to help and assist BNP considering to be a better choice of the lots as far as possible. But, they were also thinking that it might not be so easy for the BNP Combine to win the elections in view of the ground realities. As the opposition combine is much stronger than BNP in all respects particularly organizationally. India and Awami League had got the opportunity to regain this streanth during 8 years rule of Gen. Ershad. Ershad and Hasina right from the beginning has been doing politics as the complimentary to one another submitting their loyalities to India. Both are dancing at the pull of the Indian strings attached behind. Hasina and Gen. Ershad have no love lost for the country or the people. Their only concern is power. Both the parties are sold out to India and are implementing the Indian agenda. One more important thing the friends had said.
Majority of the Bangladeshis being sufferer are anti Indian since the time of libertation war. With this anti Indian feeling even if the people voted khaleda to power, they didn’t think khalda Zia and her party BNP have the capabilities to build Bangladesh as a truly self reliant nation and country. The reason being, from the very beginning this party has been raised courting self-centered oppurtunists, and power mongers. One can hardly find genuinely selfless patriotic leaders and workers at the decision making level. Besides, Khaleda Zia is not above the curse of plutocracy. In this context, there is no difference between her party and Awami League. That is why corruption and nepotisim is spreading not only at party level but in the social fibre like cancer. Though they found it painful but they had said that at present all major political parties in the political arena of Bangladesh are void of any ideals and ideology reflecting the will and wishes of the vast majority. On the whole, they opined that the character of all the partries in the political field was more or less the same. They further said that the course Sena Parisad wanted to charter along with Gen. Zia was the right path. If that path was chosen then by now it would have been possible to materialize most of our cherished dreams. But sadly that possibility was nipped in the bud by no one else other than our selected central figure Gen. Ziaur Rahman. They also told me that I had never told them anything in this regard even then it was not difficult for them to know this fact. The friends had revealed one more important thing to ponder about. They thought it would not be possible for Khaleda Zia to move away from the policy of late Gen. Zia regarding us. Khaleda Zia would never allow us to return to Bangladesh to do politics separately as in that case BNP’s politics would be finished.
In reply I said
We are not thinking about this aspect now. At this juncture the interests of the country and the nation are the foremost consideration to all of us compared to any self interest. Any how, we must thwart the conspiracy to turn Bangladesh into a client state of India. And that is why I have come all the way to you all with the hope to get the required support and assistance being driven by our conscience not as an emissary of Khaleda Zia.
This is well understood you being an old and beloved friend. Trust us dear friend, we also knew that at such a crucial time you would surely be visiting us at the earliest oppurtunity.
We must also tell you at present it would never be possible for Khaleda Zia to reorganize her party as a powerful organization like that you were able to raise during lineration war in ’71 and there after. But there is nothing to be despondant about. In the history of the People’s Republic of China 200 revplutionary uprising had failed. There after in 1948, we achieved victory after fighting a long drawn war for 28 years against the Western Imperialist powers and Japanese aggretion at the same time carring forward with our agenda for social revolution. In the revolutionary process there are many ups and downs. You all should patiently wait for the time and opportunity. Our experiences say, opportunities are created in the flow of time. If an opportunity presents itself then you would surely be able to fullfil the dreams you had been cherishing in your hearts using that opportunity and mustering new streanth. Because you all are truly selfless patriots.
Dear friend, many of us had told you in some pretext or the other that you are required in the country to give birth a healthy political process. To build Bangladesh as a self respecting, progressive and self reliant country it needs Leaders like you all who are proven patriots, visionaries, knowledgeble and self sacrificing dedicated brave hearts for the cause of the country and the nation. It may be questionable as to how did we formed this openion? When you were here many deligations from different sectors had visited PRC. Many deligations had also visited Bangladesh. This process continued even after your departure. From them, we have learned that you all are considered by majority of the people as National Heroes. Such respect, adoration and popularity you ebjoy is not due to your positions or ranks. You have earned that due to your relentless struggle for long, selfless patriotism, sacrifices and fortitude. We shall be waiting to see you all as the national leaders in future. It is not known if ever the axpectation of the good friends would come true or not but it might so happen if Allah desires.
Most of the friends were ealderly Long March veterans. They were senior leaders of the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China(CPC) full of wisdom and practical experiences. I begged leave from the friends and came back to Nairobi. On rturn I apprised everything to Rabbani and asked
What could you understand?
In one word, I am simply surprised. I had never got the oppurtunity to be aquented with the Chinese but all those who had told me it is very difficult to understand the Chinese. To cultivate friendship is almost impossible. Today, you have told me just the opposite. I must admit the kind of friendship you had been able to cultivate that might be possible only to very few persons. I am impressed with their wisdom, depth of prudence, far sightedness and meaningfull analysis. I am amazed to see their knowledge about Bangladesh from the way they had explained each and every issue so clearly! But the thing that has surprised me the most is that they know you more than what you know about yourself.
Now our destination is brotherly country Pakistan. As I have spent a substantial part of my youth in Pakistan naturaly I had the opportunity to befriend many people in the armed forces, political arena, Media, civil society, bureaucracy and the business community.
In case of Rabbani it is even more wider. Having blood trelation with the widely revered saint of Kaliya Sharif at Sahranpur, Rabbani’s family migrated from India as Mahajer after the partition and had settled at Karachi parmanently. At that time Karachi was the largest city and the capital of Pakistan. As decided Rabbani will be travelling separately to Karachi and would join me at Islamabad after receiving my call.
To maintain secrecy this trip was organized through a bossom friend of mine Dr. Dhilon living in Washington DC. He made all arrangements contacting Choudhury Shujjat then the Home Minister of Pakistan one of our common friends. On the scheduled date I reached Islamabad at mid night in a chilly weather. At the VIP room the protocol officer sent by Shujjat informed
Suites have been booked at the Marriot Hotel for us. But Choudhury Sahib wants me to stay at his residence for first two days therefore, all arrangements have been made accordingly.
Al right. Whatever arrangements he had made that must have been done with due consideration so, it would be appropriate to abide by his secision. With permission the officer gave me the wireless telephone set and requested
Sir. Please talk.
I took the hand set and asked the officer who do you want me to talk?
The Minister Sahib.
Oh! Assalam, Shujjat Bhai how are you? I had been forced to come this way to talk to you regarding a most pressing and urgent matter.
What are you saying Bhai Sahib! This is your own country so, you can visit Pakistan anytime you like. Welcome. How was the trip(Safar)? Hope you are not facing any difficulties? Everything had been arranged as you have desired. I am waiting for you.
Thanks. We are also leaving the airport and shall be reaching your residence shortly In Sha Allah. I returned the wireless hand set to the officer. VIP Motorcade. Due to the kind curtesy of the out riders speedily we reached at the palacious residence of Choudhury Shujjat’s residence at the foot of Margala Hills in the Blue area. Shujjat himself came out and warmly received me with hugs. Thereafter, he took me in.
He made me comfortable in a sitting room and said
Please excuse me for a minuite, I would be right back and went inside. I was sitting qyuitely. On the center table there were some foreign magazines. i picked up The Time. there was a cover story on ‘Khalistan Movement’.
It was in eighties when I was posted at Hongkong suddenly with the Anand Sahib Declaration the Sikhs of India claimed themself as a separate nation and demanded an independent country called Khalistan. This declaration was a spark that had created a prrerie fire and received spontenious support within the sikh community around the Globe and within India itself. Particularly among the youths. The then international Media gave wide publicity to this demand. Feeling the heat of the Shikh communities all over the world including India the Shikhs formed a provisionary government in London under the leadership of Mr. Chauhan. This provisional government in exile then urged for the recognition of Khalistan from all the member countries of the United Nation. Constitutionally Bangladesh is bound to provide moral, political and diplomatic support and assistance to any liberation war fought by any nation in the world. Therefore I and all my other revolutionary co-fighters who were working as diplomats in different Bangladeshi Missions abroad had extended their hands to provide any help or assistance whatever possible to the Khalistan Movement of the Sikhs.
।n this context I would take the previlage to narrate a few historical facts about the Tamil nation briefly. South India that is almost one third of India comprising four states Maharashtra, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu was the home land of Tamil people. They have an antient heritage of civilization for thousands of years. At ancient time present Sri Lanka was connected with Tamil Nadu. ethinically the Tamil people are veddid. Their language, religion, art and culture, architectural feets were copatable with any other civilizations of the contemporary world than the Ariyans the nomads. That is why being jelous the outsiders Ariyans had termed them as Ravanas that is the Demons. At present compared to the northern India habiteted by the Ariyans the Tamil habitants of the southern India are flureshing in all respect and are striving to establish a separate homeland called ‘Tamil Land’ to regain their lost heritage and pride. When at Hong Kong the writer had the oppurtunity and pleasure to meet a few top most ediolauges and leaders of this under ground movement through two Tamil engineer friends based at Hong Kong. The top leadership of this long drawn movement is also leading their exiled lives in different countries abroad. The Tamils are also widely spread all over the world. I have a desire if possible to write more in details about these two movements sometime later.
Janab Shujjat returned. A few minuites later one of the staffs came and informed that the dinner has been served. After dinner we returned to the sitting room again.
It was past midnight so Choudhury Sahib said
Now you have a rest we shall talk in the morning. On his order the household staff in waiting showed the way to the bed room. I was feeling a bit tired so saying good night to Shujat Bhai I went inside the room. After taking a hot shower I straightway went to bed. After the Azan for the Fajar prayer the waiter came in with the bed tea and waked me up. Within an hour I took shower and came out fresh after saying my Fajar prayer to the sitting room. shortly Shujat Sahib joined me after knowing that I was waiting at the sitting room. While escorting me to the dinning room he enqired
Did you had a sound sleep and what kind of break fast would you prefer, Continental or Pakistani?
I replied
I really had a good sleep and certainly would prefer Pakistani breakfast.
At his orfer hot Luchi, Paratha, Hauwa, Lasshi, fried eggs, Alu Bhujiya etc. After a hearty breakfast we sat in a private sitting room. Shujat called the PS and instructed him
No one should disturb us until he calls for any one and no telephone calls as long as we are at the meeting. The experienced PS left the room with his instructions. We started our closed door meeting.
Choudhury Shujat said
Tell me brother, what important matter you want to discuss.
I told him everything in details. After listening attentively he thought for a while and said
On this matter along with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif the National Security Counsil have to taken on board. At first I shall have a meeting with Nawaz Sharif then shall decide how to take others on board. This is why I wanted you to stay at my place till I hold the meeting with Nawaz Sharif just to maintain secrecy so that no one can become a hurdle at the on set. Being a political government we have to carry along many undesirable persons representing various interests. I don’t see any problem with the army. Even if there is any I know it well that you are competent enough to handle that very easily. Most of your friends are now holding important decision making positions at the GHQ. I would like to give you a piece of advice if you don’t mind.
What are you saying Shujat Bhai, feel free to advise me as you like.
After I talk to Nawaz, if you contact your old colleagues then it would help to get a positive response from that side.
Your suggestion is logical so, I shall certainly be doing that.
Shujat Bhai held the meeting with the Prime minister Nawaz Sharif. On his return he informed me what Nawaz Sharif had apprised him about Bangladesh.
In the coming election Awami League alone or with the help of Gen. ershad will be forming the government. Khaleda Zia’s Jote does not have any chance to win that is what has been stated in the report of the ISI and Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka. Therefore, the government has been suggested it has become imperative to fornulate a low key policy to establish a working relation with Awami League. Being instructed by the Pakistan government Foreign Ministry is now thinking and working on the modalities in this regard. Before you Mr. Mustafizur Rahman, the course mate of Gen. Zia came as a special emissary, he was conveyed the same thing from our side. He had also served with ISI like Gen. Zia as young officers. I beleave you know all these. Your presentation is just the opposite of the analysis of our experts.
What you have said is correct. But I must tell you one thing at first that is I have not come here at the request of Khaleda Zia as her emissay to seek assistance. I have come due to moral obligation of ours to serve the greater interests of the two brotherly countries. Besides, our presentation is impartial and based on facts and realities. If three requirements can be assured then no matter what quantum of support and assistance come from India for Awami Jote that would be washed away in the tide of popularity of Khaleda Zia, it would be impossible to defeat Khaleda Zia’s Jote in the up coming elections.
What are the three requirements? Asked Shujat Bhai.
- To arrange for the election funds which is not possible now for Khaleda Zia from within the country.
- BNP has to form an electoral alliance with all other smaller parties who believes in Islamic values and nationalism including Jamaat e Islami.
- Armed forces must be deployed by the Election Commission at every polling booth so that the voters can safely cast their votes.
To reach at a consencious decision regarding point 2 and 3 would be possibe. Now, only requrement would be arranging the fund for this Jote to win the elections. If it is possible to arrange the financial assistance for this Jote, BNP Jote would be wining the elections for sure. And in this win, brotherly country Pakistan would be gaining the most. Being fully convinced that your decision makers would be having that prudence and insight to realise that the up coming elections in Bangladesh would have a far fetched geo-political remification in this sub continent I have come taking all the risks on behalf of my other comrades to seek help and assistance from the brothers not just for Khaleda Zia but to save the Muslim population of Bangladesh and Pakistan from the appoling design of gradual strangulation by India with out any self interest. All though, you would be taking the decision, even then it is my conviction that our presentation should be taken into consideration alongside the reports of your Agency and High Commission. Reason being, most of those whom I am representing including myself belong to political families. Starting with student politics, liberation war, events in the political fllow after independence, From the time the events of political changes that were brought through revolutionary uprisings of 15th August and 7th November 1975 till this date remaining abroad we are connected with the on going political flow in Bangladesh and that is why we have in depth knowledge about each and every development that has been taking place. Therefore, it should be rational for your policy makers to evaluate our presentation with due cognigence. We are aware about Mr. Mustafizur Rahman’s visit even then what brought me here? Our conviction had brought me here. The rationale of our submission would be duely considered by you all and you would certainly extend your hands to provide the necessary help and assistance that is what we firmly believe.
Brother Shujat was flabbergasted and was quite for a while. It appeared to me that he could realize the importance of what I had conferred so he said
On priority basis we shall convine an urgent meeting of the National Security Council(NSC) where your presentation would be discussed and there after their final decision would be convyed to you.
At that time Gen. Aslam Beg, the Army Chief was on a visit to China. He was asked to cut short his visit and return. The High Commissioner from Dhaka was called back urgently. These measures were taken for them to attend the urgent meeting of the NSC. Shujat Bhai gave me these news. I have to stay here few more days so, I decided to shift to the Marriot Hotel for availing more secured communication facilities internationally. Choudhury Shujat had made special arrangements in this regard. Special people were also deputed for extra care and security. After shifting, I called Rabbani to come and join me. He arrived Islamabad on the same day. For security reason I was contacting only the concerned and known persons. On the next day morning after shifting to the hotel I and Rabbani both were getting ready after placing the order for the brakefast with the room service. Suddenly calling bell at the main door of the suite rang. Rabbani opened the door and found a smartly turned out youngman was standing at the door. After Salam he said that he has come from Pindi to meet me. Brig. Rafi had sent him. Rabbani made him sit at the sitting room and informed me about the arrival of the gentleman. Brig. Rafi was then working as a Deputy Director of ISI. we were both posted in the same Division at Quetta. That is how he was known to me. other than Sawkat Bhai no other person was supposed to know about our where about! He would help me out to contact the concerned persons that was the arrangement made by Shujat Bhai. He has been sent by a known senior officer so, both of us went to the sitting room to meet him. The gentleman introduced himself as a Colonel. Meanwhile, the waiter came in with the brakefast trolly. I invited him to join in. But he thanked and replied that he has already had his brakefast. Then I gave him a cup of tea and said
Hope this would be okay with you.
The Colonel was in his early fourties and replied
No Sir, this would be fine. He picked up the cup. We then concentrated in our brakefast. After we were through we sat relaxed.
He was working under Brig. Rafi so I asked
Now, tell me why have you come?
Nothing in particular. I came to get introduced and have a tea ta’tet. Having said so he took permission and lighted a cigarette. As he was busy in lighting his cigarette, I said
Please don’t mind we have to set out to keep an prefixed appointment so, unfortunately it wouldn’t be possible to give you much time now.
The Colonel appeared to be slightly nervous at my reply as his cigarette sliped and fell on the ground. It was not difficult that the Colonel came to gather information. He regained his composure and said
That is all right Sir. As you are busy, I shall then come some other time after fixing an appointment. He took out a slip from his pocket and handed over to me. I opend the slip and found that Brig. Rafi had written that it would be a pleasure for him if I could make some time to have a lunch or dinner at my convenience. He has also given his direct telephone number for easier communication. After reading his slip I told the Colonel
Please convey my Salam to Brig. Rafi and tell him that I shall definitely find out some time to contact him. Now, it is time to leave. The intelligent Colonel got up and said
Sir, it was a pleasure to meet you. I had a earnest desire to see you.
We are also delighted to meet you but very sorry that we could not give you much time.
The Colonel from ISI looked dishearetened and left the room.
After the departure of the Colonel Rabbani with a smile said
Fakir(We used to address each other as Fakir at times)the way you sent off the Colonel was amusing. I don’t know if that would have been possible for anyone else but only say that most of the rich and famous heavy weights usually wet their trousers talkimg to any Major or Captain of this organization.
May be, but I don’t belong to that class, I am just an ordinary person.
At my reply Rabbani laughed aloud.
Again the door bell rung. Rabbani opened the door and found it was Shawkat Bhai so warmly invited him in and got him seated.
Whats up brother, so early in the morning?
Yes, I decided to come early thinking I must catch you before you set out from the hotel. Choudhury Sahib asked me to convey that he feels it might take three to four days before final decision is conveyed to you. Therefore, should you decide to go out of Islamabad anywhere that could be arranged. Why don’t you go to Muree and Nathiya Gali leaving this crowded place? Propossed Shawkat Bhai.
No brother, we are thinking to take a short trip to Peshawar. Besides the attraction of Chapli Kebab we have a good friend there whom we would like to visit as well taking this oppurtunity.
I got introduced to Dr. Khaled Mufti through Rabbani.
Okay then, I am arranging everything for your travel. You would be staying there in PC. The cars and all other related arrangements would be done right away. You can travel any time as you wish. Hope you are not facing any problem here?
Not the least. As a matter of fact due to the extra ordinary curtesity of the hotel management we feel embarassed at times. But we are having a wonderful time. Particularly, the special arrangements that had been made to contact abroad and Bangladesh had been very usefull.
I shall be back shortly after making all the arrangements. Went away Shawkat Bhai. He is very polite and humble person. After a few minuites he returned with a smat and well built youngman. After introducing him to us he said with a meaningfull smile
Whenever you decide to leave this man will escort you showing the way. We also laughed at his smile. Shawkat Bhai left the room along with the youngman.
I told Rabbani
The wife of one of my course mate Gen. Qayum is very sick so he would come in the evening to take me at his residence. He has also invited my other course mates who were around Pindi. Meanwhile, you contact brother Dr. Khaled Mufti and inform him that we are traveling to Peshawar tonight to meet him and request him if possible to arrange an audiance with Hajratji so that we could get his devine blessing for the cause. In no way we would like to return with out his blessing. Because, for the sake of the Muslims of the sub-continent we are coming to seek his blessing not for any personal interest. Dr. Khaled Mufti is a world wide acclaimed psycriatist and a beloved deciple of Hajratji. At one time well known General Shinwari’s daughter was his wife. Would Hajratji be willing to give us an audience? This remained a big question mark in our minds!
Hajratji(Hajrat Maan Shah)Sufi saint and a mistic person. He takes bath with cold water ten to twelve times in a day round the year. Most of the time he attires a Dhoti or Shalwar keeping his upper body uncovered. Rarely, he covers his body with a thin Chadar. Most of the time he remains deeply engrossed in meditation. When he comes to the city he stays in a house. But mostly he stays in his Khanka Sharif in the suburb. He is a Jalali(Hot) saint. To seek his blessing Presidents, Prime Ministers, Big shorts, wealthy tycoons had been longing for an audience like thirsty crows but he hardly met any one. President Ayub Khan, Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, President Zia Ul Haq, Benezir, Nawaz Sharif etc left no stone unturned but failed to meet him. These were told by Khaled Bhai at Nairobi when he came to my residence for a dinner. Ever since me and Rabbani both had been chareshing an burning desire to meet this Sufi saint.
Rabbani got busy with his assignment as I set off to meet a few old friends. I spent the whole day in their company and returned back to the hotel before dusk. Rabbani informed me everything had been conveyed to Khaled Bhai. After knowing everything he said that he would be getting in touch with Hajratji rightway to know if he was willing to meet us or not. It has been decided as soon as we arrive at Peshawar we should call him so that he can come to the hotel to welcome us.
Qayum arrived at the appointed time as I was readily waiting for his arrival. We reached his residence inside Pindi cantonment in his car. Qayum could manage to gather a few of my course mates at his residence. All had come incognito as Qayum desired to maintain secrecy. We all were immotionally charged as this was the first time we had been meeting after ’71. We all became so immotional that our eyes got wet while we embressed one another. Bhabi was suffering from multiple complicacies. One could realise that looking to her face. Alavish dinner was laied on the table with different cusines. I was slightly annoyed and told Qayium
Why the hell did you arrange all these when Bhani is mot well?
Bhabi came to his rescue
Bhai, I have done nothing. You are fond of Chinese cusine so nost of the items had been brought from the Chinese restaurant rest of the dishes have been made under the supervision of the daughters. Besides all including yourself are not guests but very close and dear ones. I was deeply touched by her wormth. It was pretty cold so in every room the Quetta stove was burning. After dinner we all sat in the drawing room in a informal and intimate atmosphere. Every one was axcious to know why I was here in such a way! I replied in short. Billa almost charged
Badmash, what are you and your other colleagues are doing outside as diplonats? Why are you not going back to participate in politics?
If politics means to form a party and arranging public meetings, seminars, holding press conferances and addressing the people standing behind a microphone, even before launching for that you need some preparation. We did create an oppurtinity but we could not avail that oppurtunity due to the betrayal of Gen. Zia. We are again trying to muster that streanth afresh at the same time all of us are trying to be more mature. Allah willing if an oppurtunity presents itself in future at any time we shall get into the political arena In Sha Allah. Moreover, even after beeing exiled from the country we all are involved in the political fllow back at home constantly in some way or the other. Besides, over coming many ups and downs we had been engaged in the Jihad consistantly to thwart the farfetched blue print of the expansionist Indian Chanakyas regarding Bangladesh since the days of liberation war of ’71. But may I ask what you guys are doing here against the neferious long drawn design of India? Nothing at all. What are ytou doing to free the gasping vast majority being hard pressed under the steam roller of the decadent feudalism? Due to the hinious conspiracy of the vested interested rulling clique the country has been dismembered even after that people are not concerned for chgange! In 1954, when the feudalism in East Pakistan was abolished by the Provincial Parliament through legislature at that time being alermed the Feudal Lords of West Pakistan connived with Gen. Ayub Khan and kept feudalism intact by promulgating Martial Law dissolving the Provincial Assemblies. That feudalist cotare and mindset still rules Pakistan. Qayum, you were the CI(Chief Instructor) at the NDC, now you have to tell me truthfully, did you have the courrage to say to your students who were going to be the future leaders of armed forces, the most vital organ of a state that feudalism never allows to grow nationalism as it thrives on regionalism. I believe, you could never been able to utter this truth as feudal mindset is so strongly ingrained in the state and social structures of the left over Pakistan till this date. In the country where majority of the people are nothing but slaves and helplessly dependant for their bare existence on the mercy of one or two percent surrogates nurtured as the henchmen by their foreign masters who have usurped of more than 90% of the national wealth.
Feudalism never allows to grow nationalism as it thrives on regionalism. I believe you could never been able to utter this truth as Feudal mindset is so strongly ingrained in the state and social structure of the left over Pakistan till this date. Under this circumstances, should you maintain the same mind set and remain a party to the ramphant loot and plunder the feudal lords and comprador class then be aware that nationalism can not take roots ever in Pakistan and due to reagional discrepencies one day the very existence of this country would be at stake with the machination and help of out side enemies. Power struggle of the vested interested classes can never lead a country or a nation towards progress and better future. So, better wake up in time otherwise. Allah forbids the prophecy of this Fakir will come true in future. For learned powerful people my lecture had become slightly leanthly so don’t mind. Everyone was listning very attentively what I had been telling. After that we gossiped for a while then I told Qayum
I am not liking to leave such a warm get to gather but even then I must be leaving as on return I have to head for Peshawar for some important urgency. After taking leave from all and thanking Bhabi and the daughters I came back to the hotel. Qayum had dropped me back. Before saying good bye I thanked him for such a wonderful get to gather of old friends and buddies.
In reply Qayum said
You are our pride. Dost(Bossom Friend)you can not even imagine how egger everyone is to meet you. Many who could not come from far away due to the pawcity of time had regretted and asked me to convey their Salam and love to you.
You also reciprocate Salam and love to them on my behalf. Qayum went away.